Sản phẩm
Matrix Meditec - Đinh, nẹp, vít dùng trong CTCH
Lag Screw for PFN 8.0mm
It is indicated for use in Proximal Femoral Nails.
Lag Screw for PFN 6.4mm
Vít chốt 4.9mm
It is indicated for use in Interlocking Nails.
Vít chốt 3.9mm
It is indicated for use in Interlocking Nails
Vít chốt 3.4mm
Đinh chốt rỗng xương chày
The tibial upper bend nail is indicated for fixation of fractures in...
Enders Nail
Enders nail is used to fix fractures of the neck trochanteric and...
Đinh chốt PFNA
Proximal Femoral Nail AR is used in the treatment of pertrochanteric...
Proximal Femoral Nail 135°
It is indicated for use in pertrochanteric fractures,...
Short Proximal Femoral Nail
Short Proximal Femoral Nail is used in the treatment of...
Đinh chốt rỗng xương đùi
The femoral interlocking nail is indicated for use in the treatment...
Cortex Flat Head Screw 3.5mm
Cortex Flat Head Screw 3.5mm is used to fix the Foot & Ankle plates
MP 7.0mm Cannulated Screw
MP CC Screw 5.5mm
The MP Cannulated Screw is used in common fractures, ankle...
MP Universal Plate
MP Stick Plate
These are multifaceted plates. Can be used for Lisfranc, Calcaneal...
MP Rhomboid Plate
It is used for treatment of lisfranc Artrhodesis, TN Arthrodesis, CC...
MP Mini X Plate
MP Mini X Plate Is intended for treatment of arthrodesis, proximal...
MP Mini Universal X Plate
MP Mini Universal X Plate is intended for Multiplanar fixation
MP Mini MTP Plate 2.4mm
It is used for 1st MTP Fusion and to treat hallux valgus that is...
MP Mini Link Plate
These are multifaceted plates Can be used for Lisfranc, Calcaneal...
MP Midfoot TMT Plate
The Plate design and Screw placement allow very stiff fixation of...
MP Midfoot C Plate
It is intended for fixation of osteotomies, fusions, non-unions,...
MP Calcaneal Plate
MP Ankle Y Plate with Bar Left
MP Ankle Straight Plate 2.4mm
Mini Y Small Locking Plate
It is intended to stabilize and aid in the repair of fractures,...
Mini MTP Locking Plate
Lepidus plate
It is used for Lapidus Arthrodesis,
Proximal Femoral AR Cannulated Blade
It is indicated for use in Antirotation Proximal Femoral Nails.